Haiyi Chemical Co.Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Sodium Hydroxide
CAS No: 1310-73-2
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic alkali
Product spec: 99% 96%
Packing: Bag
Post Time: 2011-04-25
Usage: 1.. Water treatment: the elimination of water hardness. Tax pH value, For wastewater through neutralization, Regeneration of ion exchange resin, Through precipitation eliminate water heavy metal ions. 2.. The food industry: container cleaning process, Starch processing process; The preparation process of hydroxychloroquine methyl cellulose, Sodium glutamate preparation process. 3. The papermaking industry: because of its characteristics, used for bleaching alkaline newspeak process. 4 textile industry: mercerizing man-made fibers. 5. Soap and other washing supplies manufacturing
Description: Under normal temperature is a white crystals, with strong corrosive, soluble in water, its a strong alkali solution.
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