Haiyi Chemical Co.Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Zinc Oxide
CAS No: 1314-13-2
Product Type: Coatings and Paints -> Coating
Product spec: 99.0% 99.5% 99.7%
Packing: Bag
Post Time: 2011-04-25
Usage: 1.Rubber manufacturing: industrial production of zinc oxide have 50% flow rubber industry. 2.Silicate industry: zinc oxide is car tires main additive zinc oxide is a kind of additive, cement in glass and ceramic production, zinc oxide can be used as fluxing agent, reduce glass and ceramics sintering temperature. 3.Medical and health: such as infantile talcum powder, bandage. 4.Shading material: electronic field.
Description: Zinc oxide is a white or light yellow powder, nontoxic, odourless. Insoluble in water, soluble in acid and alkali.
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